Customs clearance is a key step in international trade that involves the submission and processing of documents and other requirements required for goods to enter or exit a country. The Permiso team will provide comprehensive assistance, starting from the paperwork to clearance of goods.


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Goods imported and exported into and out of a country should go through customs clearance procedures. It is a set of actions taken by customs officials to guarantee adherence to national laws and rules governing the import or export of goods.

Individuals and businesses must file tax returns by a certain deadline. If a taxpayer misses the deadline, he or she must pay a penalty.

Procedure for Clearance of Imported Goods in India:

We at The Permiso, have tied up with partners for custom clearance who are committed to providing a satisfactory custom clearance service at best rates than other agents, and we never upset our clients for any damage to their goods, and we cooperate with everything in a timely manner.

Air Custom Clearance

Getting your goods through customs at the airport can be tricky due to tight security and strict checks. If you can’t answer the customs officers’ questions clearly, your goods might not be released. For a safe and secure customs clearance service, just give us a call or message us through our contact page.”

Sea Custom Clearance

The Permiso is crucial for efficiently and affordably clearing imported goods from Mumbai port. Leveraging our experienced team and good reputation, we ensure timely delivery of your goods right to your location using our own vehicles.”

If you have any issues or facing any difficulty with the application, you can call +91 8104691667 or email us at

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Import Export Custom Clearance Procedure